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Friday, January 22, 2010

Bandit? Who Me?! (PSE Bull Run 2010)

A runner who participates in a race without registering or paying the entry fee (See runner glossary here)
I ran my first race as a "bandit" (AIR QUOTATIONS in ALL CAPS!). And I was wrongfully ashamed...
A week after completing my first full mary, I relaced my running shoes for a reunion run with my K2 buddies. One nice thing about finishing a marathon is that I get to go full circle, and go back to 5K races sans the guilt to invest mileage for a 42. Most of my friends were doing the 5K, so I thought it would be a great way to catch up with them.
The race kits would only be distributed on the day itself. To make a long story short, I wasn't able to get my PAID kit when the 5K race started. So, the competitive runner in me decided to just get in front of the racers and scour the crowd by the sidelines.
Tail end of the 5K runners, and still no friends and race kit in sight. I sprinted, weaving in and out, looking for a familiar face. Talk about multi-tasking! I was running, searching, covering my bib-less shirt, avoiding paparazzi (showing me bib-less), and hiding from the race marshalls. Not to mention the emotional stress and guilt of feeling like a running miscreant, when in fact, I was an official registrant.
At one point, I finally see a familiar blue shirt. Also running bib-less. So, now there were two running bandits. haha. We eventually saw the rest of the group along the route. Apparently, they held on to our race kits 'til the last minute and even started their own runs late (Sorry guys, we didn't think you'd wait). It was a case of technological glitches and last minute searching. But still not the root of all evil.
For the record, I didn't drink a drop of water, ran all the way to the outer lane to make the U-turn, and basically didn't make a hassle of myself in any portion of the course. I didn't want to be yanked out of the route (like Blue Shirted Bandit was), that would be embarassing. I only wanted to have a nice, easy LEGAL run with my friends, hopefully break my PR, and celebrate with a hearty breakfast afterwards.
So, to the race organizers, thank you for the late race kits. Thank you for the P250 fee on "The Wedding Crashers" marathon experience. Thank you for robbing me and my friends of a new 5K record. Thank you for making me sprint AFTER the starting line, pull a muscle, and NOT even cross the finish line with pride.
And now that I've finished, um, ranting,
Thank God for pancakes!
On a lighter note, a run is still a run. And at the end of the day, I still had a good time (but emotional stress is no fun. Ayayay!).
{From the camera of an Urbanathlon medalist. Thanks, Ui!}
{Run + Food + K2 = Good Times}
{Pancakes make the world a happier place!}


  1. hmmnn... I thought the the race was tremendously organized as what I have blogged.

    Luckily for us we had our race-kits ahead of time. Were you still able to get your race-kits after the race?

  2. Hi RunningAtom.

    Don't get me wrong, it was organized, just late distribution of race kits that got me ranting. Did I sound too harsh? Probably one of those days. Oh well...

    I managed to get hold of my kit after the run- just in time to grab a guilt-free gatorade before it ran out!

    Thanks for dropping by. =)

  3. oh not really... I just thought that all the registrants got hold of their race kits ahead. :)

    Their race results are very fast though considering that they didn't use a timing chip.

    Drop-by at my blog too, and btw, I already included your blog in my blog directory. =)



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